Sunday, May 22, 2011

Project "Food A-Z" ; Bruschetta

B is for Bruschetta (pronouced: brus'ket:a), an Italian dish.

Some basil bits, fresh tomato, garlic bread. Bruschetta. I didn't know it's this yummy.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Project "Food A-Z" ; Avocado Milkshake

And so, I finally set my mind to embark on a food photography project so that I can keep on honing my skills. Someone said that food photography is one of the hardest in photography and if you excel in it, you can shoot anything else. I'm not sure if I agreed with this but I do hope it is true :)

The food project is titled: Food A-Z and as the name implies, I'm going to try making food starting from letter A and the project would stop at Letter Z. I don't know how long it would take but I'll try and shoot at least twice a month :P

Here's the first one with Avocado Milkshake. It's homemade! By yours truly :D